Friday, January 31, 2020

A Different Direction this Winter


Once we returned back to Minnesota in May (gosh that’s a long time ago, isn’t it?), we were able to locate a seasonal campground outside of the Minneapolis area that we can now call our summer home.  Having this has definitely taken away the stress of where to park the coach, so the miles we accumulate rest solely on Jeep trips from seeing family and friends both in the Minneapolis and Wisconsin areas.

A huge accomplishment this past July was to say goodbye to our storage unit in Wisconsin.  Yes, we were some of those silly people that rent a storage unit only to realize that it’s only stuff and not needed any longer.  We did keep a few furniture pieces and the oriental run for the sun room that we have on our lot, but past those items we had a little bit of work to do with the rest of our contents.  After that was accomplished, where did the summer go?

Fast forward to this September when we pretty much decided on where to travel for this coming winter.  Both of us were pretty much in agreement that we needed to give the desert a rest and make new adventures.  So, with that decision made, we elected to travel the miles needed to go and visit our grandson, Joe, who attends Camden Military Academy in Camden, South Carolina.

It’s a big day turning 17 with no immediate family around no one to help you eat cake (except his fellow classmates who’ll eat anything, we’re told), so we decided that we would be there to help Joe celebrate.  Keep in mind, that we first needed to travel the 1,353 miles first by way of Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky and Tennessee to get us to South Carolina within five days’ time.   About the only occurrence that caused us a major problem was when our fridge pretty much lost it’s ability to provide our food a cold environment.  This was around the time when we were in Tennessee when the temps were in the triple digits for a couple of day.  We will definitely take care of this when we get to the campground in South Carolina that we have a reservation.

These are some of the pictures that we took as we were driving through the Smokey Mountains on our way East.  Lost of trees and traffic pretty much obscured our vision of the more majestic pictures that we were missing.  Oh well, maybe next time.

Overnight in Jellico, Tennessee

A few days spent near South Carolina

Our winter journey begins . . .

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